고린도후서 11:1-11:7
Paul and the False Apostles
바울과 거짓 사도들
In pointing out the wrongdoings of Christians in Corinth, Paul compares his innocent enthusiasm and the hypocrisy of the false apostles.
바울은 성도들의 잘못을 지적하기 위해 자신의 순수한 열심과 거짓 사도들의 위선을 대조합니다.
Thinking & Understanding
Paul, who built the church in Corinth through the spreading of the gospel, was the spiritual father of the believers in Corinth (1Co 4:15). Therefore, Paul loved and raised the Corinthian church like his own children. He wanted them to live “as a pure virgin” who had engaged to being married to Christ. Paul also wanted the Corinthian church not to be led astray from the truth of the gospel, like Eve who was deceived by the cunning lies of the serpent (vv. 1-7).
고린도에 복음을 전해 교회를 세운 바울은 영적인 측면에서 보면 고린도 성도들을 낳은 영적 아버지였습니다(고전 4:15). 따라서 바울은 고린도 성도들을 자신의 자녀처럼 사랑하며 양육했고, 이들이 그리스도와 결혼을 약속한 순결한 처녀(약혼자)로 살기를 원했습니다. 또한 바울은 고린도 성도들이 뱀의 간사한 속임수에 넘어가 곁길로 간 하와처럼, 복음의 진리에서 벗어나 다른 길로 가지 않기를 간절히 바랐습니다(1-7절).
What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Christians must be cautious so false teachers of a different gospel and a different Jesus will not deceive them. The genuine gospels were marked by the truth of the Holy Spirit. Even if the false teaching is touching and excellent, Christians must have discernment not to accept it if it is not the true gospel. Improve your ability to concentrate on the teaching from preachers of the true gospel. Do not be deceived by the verbal skills of false teachers.
성도는 진리의 성령 안에서 받은 복음 외에, 다른 예수, 다른 복음을 전하는 가르침에 속지 않도록 조심해야 합니다. 아무리 감동적으로 탁월하게 전해지는 설교라 할지라도 복음이 아닌 것은 받아들이지 않는 분별력이 필요합니다. 말씀을 전하는 자의 말기술이 아닌, 그가 전하는 내용에 주의를 기울여 복음의 진실을 듣는 실력을 키우십시오.
Tip 1
11:3 As at the time of Eve’s fall in the garden (Ge 3:1–13), the serpent’s (i.e., Satan’s; see 2Co 4:4, 6:15, 11:14–15) cunning, now represented by Paul’s opponents, consists in calling into question the sufficiency of God’s provisions and the truth of his word, which is now focused in Christ (see 1:20).
Tip 2
11:5–6 super-apostles. Paul was probably using a sarcastic title to describe the false apostles who were troubling the Corinthian church, by preaching “another Jesus.” Although Paul may have been unskilled in speaking, his knowledge of the gospel greatly surpassed that of his opponents.
Prayer Lord, give me the discerning ability to distinguish between the true gospel and the false gospel.
Please make me remeber Eve's fall when she was misguided God had been not enough for her and thus Thee might have all been lying to her and her husband. To my fear, she established false logic when she was perfectly okay and could be happy more than enough only if she wanted to do so.
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