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The news of Absalom’s death

사무엘하 18:19-18:33 본문보기


내게 주는 교훈

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 19-23 We can see the self-sacrifice of Ahimaaz. Joab stops the messenger that Ahimaaz chooses from delivering the message and sends a Cushite instead. The reason for this was because depending on the message, the messenger can be put to death, and he knew how David would react to the news of Absalom’s death. Even so, Ahimaaz had a strong desire to quickly get the news to David. Do I have passion to deliver good news? Especially, do I have passion to share the good news of the Gospel?

V. 27 We can see the faith David has in Ahimaaz. He is neither a coward who runs from battle nor one who is careless in his duties. David believed that he would bring good news. David thought like this because during times of peace he was able to put his trust in Ahimaaz. What do people in my community think about me?

Vv. 31-33 David’s love for his son is expressed in his grief. Perhaps the grief that he feels about Absalom is because he feels guilty that it was because of his sin that his son died. It was grief from feeling incompetent as a father. The initial responsibility of a child is on the parents. Do I show resentment, greed and indifference to my child, or am I rearing them with love, discipline and education? To be able to do this, the parent must first receive education and discipline from Christ.

V. 32 Ahimaaz had passion but he could not honestly deliver the news, so the Cushite with “God’s awareness” and “truth” boldly tells of Absalom’s death. Passion is important, but for that passion to have any meaning we must be able to honestly deliver the message we need to deliver.

내게 주시는 교훈은 무엇입니까?
19-23절 아히마아스의 자원하는 헌신을 볼 수 있습니다. 요압이 전령을 자원하는 아히마아스를 말리고 구스 사람을 보낸 이유도 전하는 내용에 따라 전령이 죽을 수 있고, 압살롬의 죽음에 대한 다윗의 반응이 어떨지를 알았기 때문입니다. 그럼에도 아히마아스는 승전의 감격을 누구보다 먼저 전하려는 열망이 있었습니다. 나는 좋은 소식을 전하려는 열정이 있나요? 특히 복음을 전하려는 열망이 있습니까?

27절 다윗의 아히마아스에 대한 신뢰를 볼 수 있습니다. 그는 전쟁에서 도망칠 비겁한 사람이 아니고 자신의 책무를 소홀히 할 사람이 아니라는 말입니다. 반드시 좋은 소식을 가져 올 사람이라고 믿고 있었습니다. 이렇게 평가되기까지는 평소에 신임을 얻은 사람이었기 때문입니다. 나에 대한 공동체와 주변 사람들의 평가는 무엇입니까?


May I live a life delivering good news.

좋은 소식을 전하는 삶이 되게 하소서.

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