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The Holy Life of a New Person

에베소서 4:17-4:24 본문보기


Who is God like?
V. 24 He creates a new being in his own image. The first created human, Adam, fell into sin and forfeited his right to bear God’s image, but Jesus, the final “Adam,” was obedient to God’s will and therefore restored the image of God. Therefore anyone who is in Christ is now a new creation. The mark of a new person is a life that reflects justice, truth, and holiness.

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What lesson is God teaching me?

Vv. 17-19 Believers should not live like Gentiles who do not believe in God (old self). Our “old selves” had hearts that were hard and filled with deceit. Our “old selves” were separated from the life of God and impure practice. Having confessed my faith in God, is my life removed from the false values of the world? Or am I still unable to change old habits and still living like my former self?

Vv. 20-24 Believers are able to live as new beings because God created the new person. This new person is a new creation who bears the pure image of God’s justice, righteous holiness, and truth. The image of God that was lost due to sin was restored in Jesus Christ. Therefore, believers must live like new people who have regained the image of God. Today, let us meditate on the word of truth and let the word change us from the inside out so that we can live the life of a new creation.


Let us not live like our old selves but live like our Lord Jesus.

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