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영어 QT

Nothing But the Cross

갈라디아서 6:11-6:15 본문보기


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What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 12,13 Those who insisted on circumcision did not care about people’s salvation but wanted to boast about gaining followers. They were hypocrites like the Pharisees who did not observe the law but selected parts of the law that were convenient. Why is it that we proclaim and teach the gospel to people? Do we expect to gain their interest and popularity among them?
V. 14 Paul’s one and everlasting pride is nothing but the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even though the legalists made people smug and boasted about the number of their followers, Paul had only the cross that truly changed his life. He had nothing beyond the cross in the world. What is the source of my pride?
V. 15 The most important thing for us is to be a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). This is possible only through the cross of Christ. Whoever believes the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done on the cross will be a new creation. Therefore, individual experience, title, wisdom, age, and certain behaviors in a believer’s life are not important. What is important is to be born again in Christ through the Holy Spirit. Examine what your main concern is in your life of faith.
V. 17 Finally, Paul wants no one in Galatia to cause him trouble by giving up their faith and going back to legalism. He also mentions the marks of Jesus received because of the persecution of the gospel. These marks clearly indentify to whom he belongs. What marks do I have in my body showing that I am a Christian?


Please let our community boast about the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and the grace of God alone.

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