Smart mission! Happy change!


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God, help me not to get distracted by the worries of daily life and distort your Word, but help me to do your will.

아모스 8:1-8:14 본문보기


Who is God?
vv. 1-3: God will bring judgment to his people if they choose to ignore his call to repentance. When that day comes only death and grieving will be heard. The terror of death will take away any sound of survival. Even then, God will not withhold His wrath. Do not take God’s warning lightly.

vv. 9-14: By denying his Word to the people of Judah, God allows the most terrible and humiliating punishment. Being cut off from God’s Word means death to his people (Deut. 8:3). Judah was facing destruction because they only chose to listen to whatever they wanted to hear. They were ignoring numerous warnings and calling for repentance coming from God. The entire people of Judah were at the brink of crisis. How are you treating God’s message in your life?

내게 주는 교훈

vv. 5, 6: The people were only interested in making money. They wanted the Moon festival to pass as quickly as possible because they wanted to return to their work. Does this remind you of your attitude towards keeping the Lord’s Day, or worship? How does your daily life look like?
Pray: God, help us to discern your will in my life so that I may better serve and love you and my neighbors.


God, help us to discern your will in my life so that I may better serve and love you and my neighbors.

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