Smart mission! Happy change!


영어 QT

Final Request

역대상 28:1-28:21 본문보기


Who is God?
Vv. 1-8- He is the true sovereign leader over Israel. God is the one who chose the tribe of Israel and from his descendents chose David to be king and rejected the wish of David to build a temple. God also allowed Solomon to strengthen the throne of David. David obeyed the command of God because he knew that all things come from God and all things are under his authority. Are you convinced that your life is under the sovereignty of God and are enjoying that?
Vv. 3, 6- He did not allow David, a warrior, to build the temple but allowed Solomon, who represents peace, to build the temple (22:9). It is because the temple symbolizes the peace and rest one can find in the kingdom of God. God wanted to give this rest to the Israelites so he chose Solomon and made him his son and became his father. This promise will also be fulfilled through God’s true son Jesus Christ (Heb 1:5). Therefore through Jesus Christ we are able to have a harmonious parent-child relationship with God and dwell in the rest that God gives us.
Vv. 10, 19, 20- He gave Solomon the strength to build the temple and was with him until the completion of the work. That is why David commanded his son Solomon that if he grows weary while doing the work of building the temple that he should never give up but trust in God. What are the things that are discouraging you these days? Look to God who will be with you until the completion of that work.


Prayer- Thank you for the grace to enjoy the peace of the kingdom of God forever.

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