이사야 28:1-28:13
A Society that is Drunk on Wine
God’s warnings are once again turned to Israel, which is facing danger from Assyria. First He warns them about the corruption in Samaria to the north of Israel (vv. 1-6) and then rebukes Judah in the south.
Who is God like?
Verses 1-4- He uses the strong as a tool to judge the arrogant people. Samaria was the crown of northern Israel, but God threw that crown on the ground. This is because the people of Samaria trusted in their riches and fortified city and did not have God on their side. Thus Samaria falls to Assyria just as it was said.
Verses 5, 6- He personally becomes a crown to those who remain. To those who faithfully follow Him, God will become a beautiful crown and give them great joy and a glorious prize. A crown of withered flowers will one day be used as a great work of grace by God. Let us hope that it will become apparent in our lives.
What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 7, 8- Ephraim and the people of Judah will follow the ways of Samaria. They will all stumble because they are drunk and will not carry out their duties. What is making you drunk and preventing you from living according to the Word?
Verses 9, 10- Arrogance is covering your ear to God’s Word. The people made fun of Isaiah, saying that he only repeated the same simple message. They were saying they already knew the Word, so they did not have to learn it again. Do you have the same attitude? Open your ears to the Word.
Help me to fix the world that stumbles in drunkenness and throws up all the nasty things, so that it will be a place of holiness to You.
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