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영어 QT

Great Reversal

이사야 29:15-29:24 본문보기


내게 주는 교훈

Great Reversal
Even with the impending judgment of Jerusalem, God promises hope. This passage talks about how the people will receive an entirely new kingdom. What is the kingdom that God will give them?

Who is God like?
Verses 18, 24- He gives them a kingdom that is overflowing with understanding and wisdom. Spiritual darkness and ignorance will disappear. The people who lived as though they were blind and deaf and could not understand the Word of God will have their eyes and ears opened. Also, those who rejected God will now gladly receive His teachings. In the kingdom, God’s will is learned, taught, and put into practice perfectly. Is this type of kingdom being established in your family and church community?
Verses 19, 20- He gives them a righteous kingdom. It is a kingdom where the poor and oppressed will enjoy the joy of freedom. Violence, oppression, alienation, and all discomforts will disappear. Have you ever been frustrated because of the unfairness and irrationality of society? Look to the kingdom that God will give you.
Verse 22- He gives them a kingdom of safety and peace. No longer will Israel submit to powerful nations and be ashamed. No longer will their faces grow pale in front of threats. Even today, God gives us a kingdom where we have nothing to fear. Even now God is protecting us in this kingdom.
Verse 23- He gives them a holy kingdom. The people will see the works that God has done, glorify his name, and follow Him out of fear and respect. This is the purpose God created us for, and even Jesus teaches us to pray about this. A life that stands in awe of God will find true happiness.


Even in this dark and suffocating world, help me to live my life seeking the kingdom of righteousness that God has shown me.

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