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Blessing that Comes to Those Who Wait on the Lord

이사야 30:18-30:33 본문보기


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Blessing that Comes to Those Who Wait on the Lord
After warning them about the destruction that will come when they put their trust in foolish things, the passage talks about the blessings that will come on those who wait on the Lord.

Who is God like?
Verse 18- God waits on His people so that He can pour out His blessings upon them. He does not let go of those who disobey Him, and waits upon them and extends His hand of salvation to them. The various trials and hardships we face are so that God can bestow His grace upon us. There will be blessings to those who overcome their hardships as they wait for that grace.
Verses 20, 21- He personally becomes their teacher and does not hide from them. To discipline us He gives us the bread of adversity and the water of affliction. But even in the midst of this, He says that He will send a teacher who will lead us down the right way. Even today God has placed this teacher with us. It is the Counselor, the Holy Spirit. Every moment, the Spirit tells us where we need to go and what we must do.
Verses 23, 24- He pours out His grace upon us so that all we do turns out well. Therefore, if we do not go to Egypt to make a profit but wait on God instead, He will change our entire circumstance and become a blessing to us.
Verses 25, 26- He mends our broken heart and makes streams of water flow from it. He will let us experience freedom that is seven times brighter than the sun. Let us praise God who has allowed us to experience this comfort and freedom through Jesus Christ.
Verses 27, 33- God has a great plan for His people. To get away from the danger posed by Assyria, Judah turns to Egypt. But God will strike Assyria with His awesome power. Our salvation is found only in God. Therefore no matter what happens, let us only look towards God and seek His help.


Help me to only look up to You and live my life waiting on Your grace.

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