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Thanksgiving and Prayer

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Thanksgiving and Prayer
Paul remembers the believers in Philippi, as they are his partners in the gospel, and gives thanks and tells them to live a life full of love that will bring glory to God.

Who is God like?
Verse 6- Even in prison, the reason that Paul could be happy and give thanks is because he knew that God controls his beginning, his circumstance, and his end. God’s sovereign authority is the only place that your community and you can grow in.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verse 3- The book of Philippians starts with, “my God” and ends with “my God” (4:19). Even from prison, not from the valley of death, “my God” is personally there for us. With that knowledge, Paul was able to experience the joy of Christ while even in prison and tell others to experience it as well.
Verses 3, 4, 8- The love that Paul showed the believers in Philippi was a steadfast love. It is a love that is not contingent on a specific time or place, and it is not a love for just certain people but for everyone. The love of Christ that was shown to the Philippians was a love from the heart that will never grow weary. It is not because of my work but because Christ lives in me (1:21), and the love that comes from denying myself is the only way that I can truly love someone.
Verses 5, 7- From the day they received the good news and on, the Philippians helped Paul in his work to spread the gospel “until now”. The people treasured Paul so that even while going through hardships they supported his ministry. Their relationship was not a short-term one made on the first day and then ending. It was a love that continued to grow without ceasing. Are you a congregation member who is a joy to your church leaders and to Christ because of your faith?


May my life be led by the hand of God so that I will be a person full of love.

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