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The Cooking Pot

에스겔 24:1-24:14 본문보기


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The climax of Ezekiel’s prophecy, the judgments he declared up to now will begin. With the siege from the Babylonian troops, Jerusalem will be compared to a cooking pot and the end for Jerusalem will be declared.

Who is God like?
Verses 7, 8- The hidden sins will be revealed, and retribution will come. The blood that Jerusalem spilled will not be covered but remain on the bare rock. God will reveal the sin the people committed in sacrificing their children to idols and spilling the innocent blood of the righteous. Jerusalem’s blood will be like theirs and will not be covered up. Sinners try to cover their sins, but God knows the sins of all people. God will reveal the sins that people try to hide and punish them if the do not repent. Even if there are sins in your heart that nobody knows about, God knows them. Repent completely of those sins.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 3-5- When Babylon attacks Jerusalem, the king, the nobles, the rich, and the privileged will be judged. Jerusalem will be burned and the people of Judah will die as meat is cooked in a cooking pot. A high position or safe place will not protect you from God’s judgment. Only those who repent and turn from sin can escape the wrath of judgment.
Verses 6, 11-13- The sins of Jerusalem were dirty like rust and broken pieces, and it will become hot and its copper will glow. The sin of the people was very wicked and like rust that does not disappear even when it is being refined in fire. It only called for a cruel punishment. This is how scary sin is in our lives. Before sin becomes like rust that cannot be cleaned within us, let us fiercely fight against it.


I confess the sins that are deep within me.

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