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The Death of Ezekiel’s Wife

에스겔 24:15-24:27 본문보기


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Ezekiel’s wife died, but Ezekiel was commanded not to mourn for her. When his wife died, all Ezekiel could do was moan and not cry. In the same way, the captives will not be able to mourn the destruction of Jerusalem, and they will know that the destruction was due to their sin and moaning.

Who is God like?
Verse 24- He fulfills what He says He will do through His sovereignty. The actions of Ezekiel symbolize the actions that the people of Jerusalem will commit when they fall. The people that did not believe in signs will realize God’s will when they act out just as the sign they received. They will realize that everything is in God’s control.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 16-18- Ezekiel obeyed the command of God to not mourn over the death of his wife and carried out his calling. For Ezekiel to serve God correctly, he got rid of his personal emotions in the matter and obeyed the command of God. The people of God must at times suppress their own desires and emotions for His work. The road of living according to the Word is not flat, but God will give you the strength to endure it. Let us continue to pray and encourage those who deliver the Word of God so that they will hold onto it and be blessed by it first.
Verse 21- He tells them that the temple that the people of Judah saw as their glory, the apple of their eye, and the thing they most cherished will be destroyed. God no longer dwelt in the temple that they dirtied, and so the temple no longer has any meaning and has become an ordinary building. Jerusalem and the temple that the people thought would last forever were ultimately destroyed. A church that is not centered on God and has its pillars on the truth will be useless.


Help me to endure while doing Your work, even if I am faced with hardships.

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