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A Prophecy Against Tyre

에스겔 26:1-26:21 본문보기


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The judgment upon the neighboring nations is recorded in chapter 25. The judgment against Tyre, however, spans chapters 26-28 and is recorded in detail.

Who is God like?
Verses 19-21- God’s judgment is a punishment that cannot be turned back. Tyre was thrown into a deep sea and fell into a pit that it could not return from, and it will live there forever. People will try to look for Tyre, but it will be completely dissipated that it will never be found again. This is the nightmarish end of the people that God throws away (Ps 28:1; 30:3; 88:4; 143:7). Don’t we have to clear up our spiritual surroundings as we hear about this type of hell?

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 2-6- Tyre thought that it could be the center of the universe with the destruction of Jerusalem. Tyre felt this way because it was financially able and had a good geographical location. It therefore thought that Jerusalem’s ruin would open up a way for Tyre to become even more prosperous. That is why it was pleased with Jerusalem’s demise. When we try to use other people’s failures as a chance for our own personal gain, we will meet the same judgment as Tyre. The scriptures tell us to cry out with those that are in pain (Ro 12:15).
Verses 7-14- The grand city Tyre was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar as he came to destroy Jerusalem. It would be made into a bare rock and become a place for people to dry their fishnets. All the boasting it did and its beauty and wealth will run in shame on judgment day because it is not based on God. How are you using your talents and positive characteristics?


Help me to get rid of the arrogance of relying on what I have and only rely on You.

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