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A Lament for Tyre

에스겔 27:1-27:36 본문보기


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Ezekiel compares Tyre to a grand ship in order to describe the wealth and honor that it experienced in the past. That beauty is compared to the definite loss it will experience.

Who is God like?
Verses 1, 2- Tyre could not escape judgment because it was full of sin and arrogance, and now a lament is being sung for it. Tyre received the praise of the people because of its beauty, but God will sing a lament for it. We learn that beauty without God will be thrown into the sea of destruction and be considered nothing more than trash. Do you think God will look at your life and sing you a song of Solomon or a lament like Tyre?

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 3, 4- Tyre thought it did not lack anything. Like a grand and blemish free boat, Tyre’s beauty was so incredible that it could catch the attention of the neighboring nations. Even now, Satan is dizzying our view by trying to turn our attention on elegant things. Let us keep our focus on Jesus, who went through suffering and saved us even though there is nothing to admire about us.
Verses 26, 27- All the wealth that Tyre made from trade will be lost in the ocean. Oarsmen, mariners, seamen, shipwrights, merchants, and soldiers will not be able to do anything and flounder in front of the big storm. The east wind that toppled Tyre into the sea symbolizes Babylon, which is on the east side of Tyre. If God allowed this wind to blow, no one would be able to stop it. Only God can save them from this suffering and bring them to the safety of a port (Ps 107:29, 30). When we meet the wave of discipline during the voyage of life and call on God, it is true wisdom.


Help me to not seek the power and wealth of the world but to live a life seeking You.

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