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The King of Tyre Who is Like a King

에스겔 28:1-28:10 본문보기


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The King of Tyre Who is Like a King
Ezekiel ends the judgment against Tyre in chapter 28 and delivers God’s divine revelation to the ruler of Tyre, who is at the center of the destruction. The king of Tyre seemed like a successful leader in the worldly sense, but his personality and fate was the same as his arrogant nation.

Who is God like?
Verses 6-10- He hates arrogance and gets rid of proud people. The king of Tyre was arrogant and boasted about his great wisdom and the wealth of his kingdom due to his trading skills. God turns to the king, who was so arrogant that he thought himself as a god, and says, “You are not a god but a man.” God raises the people who go through hardships, but he lowers the proud (2Sa 22:28). God takes the king of Tyre, who considered himself wiser than Daniel (v. 3), and has him fall into destruction by the hand of Babylon, where Daniel served as a government official, and reveals his foolish arrogance. When we do not recognize that the things we have are from God, we too can become arrogant. Let us acknowledge that all the good things we have are from God.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 3-5- The king of Tyre compared his wisdom to that of Daniel and said that his knowledge surpassed Daniel’s. He used that wisdom and his skill to amass a great fortune and thus became even more arrogant. Even in our time, those who can use their wisdom to increase their wealth are popular, but those who are poor are treated as if they are stupid. The bible, however, tells us that even the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of humans, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength (1Co 1:25). Therefore, the life of the believer must not follow the wisdom of the world, but follow the cross, which is the way of God.


Help me to not make the mistake of becoming arrogant and thinking that I am greater than You.

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