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A Prophecy against Egypt

에스겔 29:1-29:21 본문보기


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A Prophecy against Egypt
After judging the nations around Israel, the climax of the judgment falls on Egypt. That is what is discussed here.

Who is God like?
Verses 17-20- God uses the unjust greed of the king of Babylon according to His will. Nebuchadnezzar was used as an instrument of God to continue attacking Tyre for a long time and eventually bring it to its fall. Nevertheless, he was not able to gain anything from the victory. God therefore handed over Egypt to compensate Him, and carried out His judgment against Egypt. It may seem that all of history moves according to the powerful nations, but God is intervening and working throughout history. The actions of a powerful nation do not reorganize world history, but world order is set and tuned according to the will of God. That is why we need to meditate on the Word of God everyday and be able to watch the news according to God’s perfect will.
Verse 21- God gives Ezekiel a message of hope and recovery for Israel, and proves that He will achieve it. This is the promise that God has made regarding the salvation of the people and the coming “one horn” or “coming Messiah.” Look toward God who recovers us even through great discipline and even if we fall to ruin and into the abyss.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 8-10- Egypt, which betrayed and tempted Israel, will be destroyed by Babylon and become a weak nation. Egypt will be completely destroyed from its most northern point (Migdol) to its most southern area (Aswan). Egypt will no longer be able to seduce Judah. This shows how the help we thought we would receive can turn out to be just lies. There is nothing in this world that the believer can rely on.


Help me to not be foolish and put my trust in things that I should not put it in.

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