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Egypt’s Prideful Beauty

에스겔 31:1-31:18 본문보기


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Egypt’s Prideful Beauty
The fifth revelation regarding Egypt talks about the great tree of Assyria that was cut down because of pharaoh’s pride and shows us how God deals with pharaoh’s dignity.

Who is God like?
Verses 2, 9- God hates arrogance and defeats proud people. With rhetorical questions like, “Who can compare with your majesty?” He alludes to pharaoh’s pride and reveals his sin as he remains haughty even before God. The reason Egypt was beautiful was because God allowed it to be. But Egypt became so arrogant that it also tried to sit in the seat of God. This was the biggest issue that led to Egypt’s demise. Let us confess that all the good things that we have is from our Lord in heaven.
Verses 11-14- He judges the arrogant nations and makes it so that the other nations are no longer under its shadow. By bringing judgment upon the greatest and strongest nation, God is basically alerting other nations not to become arrogant. No nation or power can be strong enough to stand against God. When they were strong, it was because God allowed it; the reason they are weak now is because God took that power away. God is the one to rely on and believe in as He is above all the worldly powers.
Verses 15-18- God is not in control of only the rise and fall of a nation, but the life and death of a person. Assyria that ruled over a generation was destroyed, and God had it fall into the pit. He will now have all those associated with Assyria to fall. The fate of the arrogant will be like those who are not circumcised and will be sent to hell. In whose shade are you standing in? We need to know that there is everlasting life in the shade of the cross, and we must run there.


I want You, who defeats arrogance, to tear down my kingdom.

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