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Egypt Descends to the Depths

에스겔 32:17-32:32 본문보기


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Egypt Descends to the Depths
This section ends the prophecies regarding Egypt and the foreign nations that were made in chapters 25-32. Egypt soared high into the sky, but will now fall to the depths and lie with those who are cursed.

Who is God like?
Entire Passage- He will send to the depths the unrepentant and arrogant sinners who are enemies of God. God sent to the depths Assyria, Elam, Meshech, Tubal, Edom, and all the people of the north and Sidon. Now God will send Egypt there. That is the home of the uncircumcised. God calls the righteous who confess their sins into the house of the Father. But those who do not repent will be sent to hell.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 17-21- When Egypt is judged and falls into the pit, the “daughters of mighty nations” represent the allies of Egypt who will also fall. Our fate tomorrow is determined by who we ally ourselves with today. If we rely on those who will be destroyed and come to nothing, we will face extinction just like them. But if we turn to the One who never changes, our future will also be everlasting.
Verses 22-32- The nations that had a reign of terror will shamefully meet their end and fall to the depths. Powerful Assyria will be destroyed and wiped out from history. When Ezekiel prophesized, it was already after Assyria was destroyed. Those who sow evil will reap disaster (Job 4:8; Pr 22:8). Knowing what to do with the skills that God gave us while we lie will also determine if we get to live after we die.


Help me to stay humble and not be arrogant, coveting Your status and thus falling into hell.

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