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Becoming a Watchman Once Again

에스겔 33:1-33:16 본문보기


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Becoming a Watchman Once Again
Up to chapter 24, Ezekiel speaks about the judgment against Judah. In chapters 25-32, he prophesies about the judgment of the foreign nations. Now, in chapters 33-48, he delivers the message of the covenant regarding Israel’s recovery, the Messiah’s rule, and the hope that comes with it.

Who is God like?
Verses 1-9- God has called Ezekiel as a watchman once again. It is because God is trying to give the people a way to repent and find a lifeline. God, who set up Ezekiel as a watchman for the dejected Israel, also calls a watchman in our dark times. To whom is God sending you as a watchman?
Verse 11- God does not delight in the death of evil people, but rather wants them to repent and continue living (18:23, 32). God’s judgment is not just dependant on fate, with no correlation to the actions of people, but it is rather a response to the action of the people. Repentance, the road of return, is always possible. Even now it is not late to turn back and receive salvation. The choice of life or death is with the people. Let us listen carefully to find out what God really wants.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 12-16- Even if you lived a righteous life in the past, if you turn to evil, you will meet death because of that sin. Therefore, if you have lived your life committing sins, but sincerely turn back and seek forgiveness for it, you will gain life. None of those sins will be remembered. When you repent, how honest is your confession that you will not sin again?


Help me to turn my ear to the message of the watchman, who warns me about going down the road of evil.

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