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The Destruction of Jerusalem

에스겔 33:17-33:33 본문보기


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The Destruction of Jerusalem
In chapter 24, God told Ezekiel to wait for a refugee who will come and tell him about the fall of Jerusalem. Now that person has appeared (v. 21). Moreover, the prophecy that Ezekiel’s mouth would be opened (24:27) has also come true (v. 22).

Who is God like?
Verses 17-20- God’s way is just. God continues to open a way to salvation for the people who rebel. The problem is that the people are lacking righteousness. They are following in the way of injustice and choosing the way to death. Can you look at God’s judgment and say that He is unjust? Check your own life first. To those who live in evil, the news of judgment is dreadful. But the righteous will welcome it, turn back, and gain life.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 23-25- Those who remained in their hometown of Judah continued to repeat all types of sins. Nevertheless, because they still lived in the land, they felt that they had ownership of the inheritance that was promised to Abraham. But those who only leaned on the righteousness of Abraham yet disobeyed themselves would have no part in the blessing that God promised Abraham. Only those who follow the way of righteousness like Abraham will be able to inherit God’s blessing. Those who go to church will not be blessed simply because of that. They must obey the Word and follow the way of righteousness.
Verses 30-33- The people who live as prisoners in Babylon will not have anything better than those who remained in Judah. The people hear about the fall of Jerusalem and gather to hear Ezekiel’s message. But they do not regret their own sin and do not make changes in their lives. What kind of reaction do you have after you hear a sermon or meditate on the Word?


Help me to not be foolish and only listen to the Word yet not live it out.

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