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A Good Shepherd

에스겔 34:1-34:16 본문보기


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A Good Shepherd
Chapter 34 speaks about judgment against the fattened sheep and the shepherds that suppressed the sheep. It is also a message of salvation that says God will return to save the group of sheep and become their shepherd.

Who is God like?
Verses 7-10- The living God will personally feed His sheep. Because the shepherd for Israel had so much sin, judgment fell on the people. Because the people did not have a good shepherd they were eaten by all kinds of wild animals. Now, however, God will personally intervene and take the power away from the false teachers. He will protect His people so that the false teachers will not be able to sacrifice them anymore. Do not be disappointed if you think that nobody is interested in you or paying attention to you. God, the good shepherd, is personally taking care of you.
Verses 11-15- God will find all of His scattered sheep, give them good food to eat, and recover them. The Israelites, who were scattered due to the sin of their leaders, will be brought back and completely recovered on the mountain heights of Israel. If the leader of the community that you belong to is lacking a little, do not be disappointed. He who leaves the 99 sheep in the field to search for the one lost sheep will seek after you and give you plenty so that you will be full (Lk 15:4-6). He is your true shepherd (Ps 23:1). He will make you satisfied.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 3-6- The shepherds of Israel did not do what they were supposed to and did what they were not supposed to. Even today God has His eyes on the leaders. If God finds out where you are, what will be revealed? What is the message that you must submit to and listen to when God points things out to the leaders?


Help me to only listen to the voice of God, the true shepherd, and enjoy a life of abundance.

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