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영어 QT

Future Kingdom

에스겔 34:17-34:31 본문보기


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Future Kingdom
God is our king and He sings us a song where we, as His people, can enjoy peace in His kingdom.

Who is God like?
Verses 17-22- God establishes justice, punishes those who oppress others, and makes the weak strong. God will judge between one sheep and another, and between rams and goats, fattened sheep and skinny sheep. He will pour out either salvation or punishment on them. Check to see how you are serving others in the position that you are in. On the final day, when God separates the sheep from the goats, which side will you be standing on?
Verses 23, 24- God will set up the true shepherd instead of the evil leaders; He will save His people. God will raise up a new king from the descendants of King David. It will be Jesus Christ, the king who will bring true peace to the land. God will give His people an everlasting victory so that they will no longer be invaded again.
Verses 25-28- God has His people dwell in peace. God will kick out those who harass His people from the Promised Land. He will provide His people with food to eat and clothes to wear, and give them peace. Purge yourself from Satan so that you can enjoy freedom in the faith. Break free from Satan so that God does not become an object of ridicule by him.
Verses 30, 31- He pours out His blessings upon the Israelites and dwells with them so that they may come to know Him. God forgives the Israelites, His chosen people, even though they are foolish and sin. God makes sure He recovers them because He wants His goodness and power to be known in every nation. Is God’s character being made known through the salvation, success, and blessings He has poured out in your life?


Thank you for letting me join with Christ so that I can enjoy peace in Your kingdom.

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