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A Prophecy Against Edom

에스겔 35:1-35:15 본문보기


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A Prophecy Against Edom
As the vision for Israel’s blessing and recovery is being shown, it seems as though the message of judgment against Mount Seir is not fitting. But the blessings of the mountains of Israel will be seen in 36:1-15, and thus this is a comparison of light and darkness.

Who is God like?
Verses 1-9- God judges those who are His enemies and in arrogance try to harm His people. God will work to protect His people. Mount Seir is the mountain range that Edom is located. Thus for Mount Seir to be turned into wilderness, Edom would be destroyed. Edom is located southeast of Judah. When Jerusalem was destroyed, it saw the crack that was made and trespassed into Judah’s territory with the aim of taking over it. God therefore judged Edom’s evil act and restored His chosen people. Is there someone who is mistreating you and making you weary? Pray and leave it up to God.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 5, 6- Edom was Israel’s brother, but continually harassed Israel. Also, from long ago (the time of their ancestors Jacob and Esau), Edom was hostile toward Israel. When Babylon invaded Jerusalem, Edom helped Babylon because it thought this would be an opportunity for Edom to regain its birthright. God, however, says that bloodshed will pursue Edom because it did not hate bloodshed. Is there someone you have held a grudge against for a long time? This is not the way to be for a person of Christ. Before God comes at you with wrath, get rid of the hatred you have harbored in your heart. We are people who sow peace.


Help me to know You more each day through the grace of salvation You have poured out upon me.

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