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A Bright Future for Israel

에스겔 36:1-36:15 본문보기


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A Bright Future for Israel
If chapter 35 speaks about Edom’s dark future, chapter 36 speaks about the bright future of Israel and God’s people. This also goes hand in hand with what was covered in chapter 6 regarding the destruction of the mountain.

Who is God like?
Entire Passage- God does not just govern Israel, but also controls all of its enemies and all the people of the world. In verses 1-5, the phrase, “Sovereign Lord”, appears 10 times. Are you living your life remembering that God is the “Sovereign Lord” of all that happens in the world and in your life?
Verses 5, 6- God shows His burning zeal to Israel’s enemies. Babylon trespassed into Israeli territory, took the people as prisoners, and enjoyed pillaging them. But all the nations that tried to take advantage of Israel during its hard time would meet a tragic end by the hand of jealous God.
Verses 8-12- God keeps a strong interest in the needs of His people. God takes responsibility not just for the people’s spirituality, but their work, food, homes, descendants, and safety. God does this for us too, as we have become His children. What are you worried about today? God will fill that need as well.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verse 8- There is an end to captivity. Israel will now return. Through Babylon, God showed His wrath toward Israel for its disobedience. He however did this to show Israel that it must only turn to and rely on Him. God sent Israel to the school of hard-knocks called Babylon and taught it. There are times when God sends us to this school as well. Learn well there. Then the lesson will end.


May my will be in obedience to Yours.

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