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Israel Renewed

에스겔 36:16-36:38 본문보기


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Israel Renewed
The people who will live in the land renewed by God will be inwardly renewed so that they can live the life of victory and enjoy God’s promise.

Who is God like?
Verses 24-27- God’s power does not lie in just leading the people back to the land, but also includes a complete transformation of the people’s character. God’s people must receive salvation externally as well as internally. They need to be cleansed. But the Israelites could not make themselves clean through their own efforts. God therefore poured out His Spirit upon them and moved them to obey Him. They would then become people who can dwell in His land and recover their relationship with Him. Also, God will not be embarrassed when the people call Him God. This prophecy was completed when Jesus Christ came.
Verses 34-36- God will make Israel new for His name’s sake. Right now, Israel looks like a wasteland in the eyes of the people, but God will return to the land and cultivate it to be new like the Garden of Eden. The people who see this will know that it was done by God and will glorify His name. Trust in God, who changes all things to bring about good in the end.
Verses 37, 38- God allows the people of Israel to plead to Him and answers their request. God is already planning an abundant life for Israel. But for that plan to come to fruition, the people must do what God wants, and that is to pray. How are you cooperating with God to bring people into God’s kingdom and for God’s will to be done?


Help me to obey You with a tender heart and always express my respect for Your holy name.

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