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Becoming One by My Hand!

에스겔 37:15-37:28 본문보기


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Becoming One by My Hand!
After King Solomon’s reign, Israel was split into north and south, and each side had its own king. When God’s people are split like this, they cannot bring happiness to God.

Who is God like?
Verses 16, 22-24- God wants His people to be one. God wants Israel, which was split into two kingdoms because of sin, to become one through His hand. To become united, the people need to be clean. When the people have recovered their relationship with God (v. 27) and obey His Word, they can have true unification. What do you believe God thinks when He sees the walls and divisions we have set up? It is not wise for Christians to seek unity with unbelievers. But we have a calling to be united with all believers.
Verses 24, 25- God sets up His servant David and will have him reign over the people forever. This is the Son of God, Jesus Christ. He will make a glorious temple with us where God can dwell. Is Christ the king in control of your heart and your life?
Verse 26- God is the God of the covenant. God set up various covenants with His people in the past. Now God promises to make a “covenant of peace” with His people that will be everlasting. It seems that God set up two ways for this covenant to be achieved. The first was in 538 BC when the people were brought back to the land, and in the future through the blood that will be spilled by the Messiah on the cross. This is the way God will make peace and harmony with the people. You were once an enemy of God, but now you have a relationship with Him because of Jesus’ work on the cross. How are you participating in this grace?


Let us become one in the cross and bring true love to the world.

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