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God Allows Them to be Renewed

에스겔 39:17-39:29 본문보기


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God Allows Them to be Renewed
God’s sovereignty is revealed by two actions. First, He sends His people into captivity, and second, He brings His people back from captivity and thus shows that He is sovereign over all.

Who is God like?
Verses 23, 24, 29- Because of the sins of the people, God hid His face from them. But God promises that He will not hide His face from them again (v. 29). God will also pour out His Spirit upon them. God sends His son Jesus to die for sinners, and afterwards gives the Holy Spirit to those who follow Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit, God will always be with His people. Even if we go through hardships similar to Israel under Gog’s attack, that hardship is not a sign of God’s wrath but a chance for God’s power to be made known in the world.
Verse 27- God has His people return to Israel, and reveals His glory in front of many nations. Of those people, the ones who repent will be able to turn the glory to God. If we fail to live as children of God, we can turn back to Him, ask for forgiveness, and start to live a holy life again. That is all God will ask of us.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Entire Passage- Think that when we are in hardship, it is the opportunity for God to reveal His power to the world. God takes us out of our hardships and shows His power. By allowing us and helping us to endure the suffering, He also reveals His sovereignty. When times are tough, consider it as the time for us to build up the strength of our faith.


Help me to be holy in my life before You, holy God.

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