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영어 QT

Revelation Regarding the New Temple

에스겔 40:1-42:20 본문보기


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Revelation Regarding the New Temple
There are many interpretations of chapters 40-48. Here we will only focus and meditate on the spiritual lesson.

Who is God like?
40:17-37- God is hard to approach for a sinner. The small door, the steps to reach that door, and the long pathway from the gate to the inner door are there to show that it’s not just anyone who can come to God.
40:38-43, 47- To go to our Holy God, we need a sacrifice. The two tables and tools to place animals when bringing burnt offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings as well as the room and altar to wash the burnt offerings are all recorded here. Because Jesus died for our sins on Mount Calvary, we no longer need to bring animals as sacrifices. Because of the work that Jesus did on the cross, we are able to go to God.
41:1-4- The road to God is narrow, and there are not many people that seek it (Mt 7:14). The entrance to the sanctuary was 5 meters wide, and the entrance to the inner sanctuary was 3 meters wide. As we approach the center, the entrance gets smaller. Prophets and priests like Ezekiel could not enter the inner sanctuary because they were not high priests. The small entrance and exit of the inner sanctuary symbolize the one and only way to God. That way is Jesus Christ.
42:13- The priests were divided from the people so that they could give sacrifices to the holy God and would eat the most “holy offering” in the most “holy room”. A basic definition for the word “holy” is “set apart”. The chief priests, sacrifice, and room are all set apart for the holy God. Check to see if you are living a life set apart from the world as you are a child of the Holy One.


Thank you for opening up the way to You even for a sinner like me.

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