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The Glory of God Returns

에스겔 43:1-43:27 본문보기


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he Glory of God Returns
After Ezekiel thoroughly describes the revelation of the new temple in chapters 40-42, he explains the glory of God that will fill that place.

Who is God like?
Verses 1-5- The glory of God will return from the same direction that it left (10:18, 19; 11:23). When the glory left, it hesitated. But when it returns, it will come quickly. When God’s glory returns, it will fill the temple, and the land will shine. Because of sin, the people had to leave God’s temple and lived in captivity in Babylon. Now, however, the promise of hope has come. The temple that is filled with God’s glory! It is in the same way that our church must be recovered today.
Verses 6-9- The God of glory wants to live forever with the Israelites in the temple. But God cannot dwell in a corrupt house. When God’s children are clean, His glory will come down, and a revival in the new generation can take place. This was completed with the coming of Jesus Christ. The glory of the holy God whom Ezekiel was able to see is found in us as Jesus dwells in us (Jn 1:14; Heb 1:3). Are you experiencing God’s glory in your life each day?
Verses 13-17- He concretely tells them the size and shape the altar should be in. The steps to the altar face east, so when the high priests come to lift up the sacrifice, they end up facing west The sacrifice is therefore lifted up towards the inner sanctuary. This was so the people would not commit the same ugly sin of worshipping the sun god (8:16). God hated it when the people stood with their backs against the temple and bowed down towards the sun in the east. Even today, we can see if our worship is really for God or if we are focused on ourselves and seek our own glory. Let us make our hearts new and turn toward God.


I want my life to be clean so that Your glory can dwell within me.

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