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Who Can Enter the Temple?

에스겔 44:1-44:14 본문보기


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Who Can Enter the Temple?
When Ezekiel speaks about the temple, he mentions that the east gate in the courtyard will be closed. Through the passage, we can see how strict the rules are regarding the entry into the holy of holies.

Who is God like?
Verses 1-3- After shutting the outer gate that is facing the east, God tells them that they must never open it (v. 1, 2). It seems as though because God has returned to the inner sanctuary, it has once again become a holy place He does not want just anyone to enter and use it. Kings are qualified to eat in front of God, and they come into the temple as they please. The earthly king was qualified to meet the king of heaven. Now, everyone in Christ Jesus can have a relationship with God and go to Him as much as they please. Everyone who is in Christ does not have any limits in coming to God.
Verses 4, 5- God teaches the rules and regulations regarding the temple that Ezekiel and the people must obey. He has Ezekiel pay attention to the entrance and the exit. This is a message that God’s holy house will be regulated properly. Even today, those who pay attention to the Word of the Lord are able to faithfully carry out God’s work in His garden.
Verses 10, 12- God inquires about the responsibility they have regarding their sins and will judge it. Levites had an ambiguous identity, and some were responsible as high priests in the sanctuary and some were priests in other areas. That is why they were also called “priests of the high places” (2Ki 23:9). They followed the rest of Israel and worshipped idols. In the end they led the Israelites into sin. Are you carrying out your work well in the places that God has called you to serve?


Thank you for allowing me to come to You because of Christ’s redeeming act.

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