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Holy Land

에스겔 45:1-45:17 본문보기


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Holy Land
While they were living in exile, Ezekiels’ message of the division of the land was a message of hope to the Israelites. But Ezekiel went beyond that hope and fixed their minds on the concept of the original Promised Land. The Land will be a land where God dwells in the center.

Who is God like?
Verses 1-3- When the land is divided, a portion will be set apart for God. That land will be “holy ground” and be lifted up as an offering to God. Also, God has them place the sanctuary in the center and emphasizes His sovereignty. God is sovereign over the entire world and will be in charge of the new heaven and the new earth that are to come. God wants to be at the center of His children. Who is in the center of your heart?
Verses 4-6- A holy area is established for the priests who will work in the temple. That place was closest to the sanctuary, so the priests could go close to God and serve Him. That is why they were allowed to build their homes there. Next, the area for the Levites is set, then the city for the people to live in, and after that the land that will be given to the king is decided. The rule for God’s division of the land is “holiness”. As we see the land of the people being distributed with the sanctuary in the middle, let us see how it compares to our lives.
Verses 13-17- The king of Israel received grain offerings, burnt offerings, and drink offerings to lift up to God everyday as atonement for their sins. But Christ our king has personally become the sacrifice for us and completely forgiven our sins once and for all. Jesus did not just become our atoning sacrifice; He became a way to bring harmony so that those who have received forgiveness can go to the king’s table whenever they want to and enjoy the food there. Thus the law no longer binds us, but through the grace of Christ we are able to lift up a worship of celebration. What does your worship look like?


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