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영어 QT

Where the River Flows

에스겔 47:1-47:12 본문보기


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Where the River Flows
The water that flows from the temple is a direct result of the glory of God returning to the temple (43:1-5). The water flowed from God’s holy tabernacle (Ps 46:5) and became bigger, revealing God’s power of pouring out life.

Who is God like?
Verses 1, 2- The water that flowed from the threshold of the temple came from the east and went to the south of the altar. The space between the front door and the altar was where 25 elders of Israel committed the sin of serving the sun god (8:16; 11:1). God is now neatly erasing that area of sin and judgment and making it new. This reminds us of the new temple (Jn 2:21), Jesus Christ’s body, and His side (Jn 19:34) where the precious blood and water flowed from so that all of our sins could be washed clean. Even now the river of mercy is flowing from the cross on which Jesus was nailed.
Verses 3-5- The man who led Ezekiel measured the length of the water with a measuring line, and as Ezekiel followed him, the water became deeper and deeper. The water that came out little by little became a river so big that it could not be crossed. This is an amazing picture that shows us how the spirit within Christ will fulfill God’s work of salvation.
Verses 7-12- Wherever this river flowed, creation was cured and brought alive. If God’s glory returns, all of the land will be made into land that can be cultivated. This river will flow into the Dead Sea and bring it back to life. God made life come from mud (Ge 2:7) and dry bones come alive and move again (37:7-10). Now this living water flows like a river inside those who believe in Christ (Jn 7:37, 28). Soak your dry and barren life into the living water of that river.


Like the great vision shown to Ezekiel, recover my life, my church, and my people.

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