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The Boundaries for the New Land

에스겔 47:13-48:35 본문보기


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The Boundaries for the New Land
Ezekiel sets the boundary line of the land according to the number of the tribes, and looks to the ultimate completion of the Promised Land found in Genesis, Joshua, and the wisdom literature.

Who is God like?
Verse 13- God gives the inheritance to the twelve tribes of Israel. Ezekiel treated the descendants of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) as their own tribes with their own rights to the possession. That is why there are twelve tribes. This reminds us of the time before the exile, when Israel was not divided and the people of God were one. This also lets us look to the future, where the believers will form the new Israel in Jesus and inherit the new heaven and the new earth. This is also promised for us today.
48:8, 9- God divides the land among the twelve tribes. In the middle area, a “sacred portion” will be set aside for God and it will be the holy place. This tells us that the center of the newly restored Israel is where God promises to be. At the center of the new heaven and the new earth is where God’s tabernacle with the people will be (Rev 21:3).
48:35- God will be known as “The Lord is there.” Even if there are twelve entrances to the New Jerusalem, if there is nothing in the temple, it will not be able to yield anything. But God had placed an amazing treasure within the new Israel. The treasure is God Himself. “The Lord is there!” This is Ezekiel’s final message and the point of the book of Ezekiel. This is also the idea of Immanuel (Isa 7:14). God’s son, Jesus Christ, said that He will be with us until the very end of the age (Mt 28:20).


Since I have been allowed to inherit heaven, help me to keep my faith so that I can enjoy it forever.

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