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Before the Promised Land

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Before the Promised Land
The book of Deuteronomy is the sermon Moses gave to the second generation of the covenant people; those born to the wandering Israelites who spent 40 years in the desert. The sermon takes place before the Promised Land in the east of the Jordan River in the territory of Moab (v. 5) and is for the generation who would possess the Promised Land by God’s grace.

Who is God like?
V. 3 Through Moses, His mediator, God gave all the commands that His people needed. God, who already spoke to the people of Israel (4:5, 23, 31), speaks again to the new generation. He spoke through Moses then, and spoke through Jesus in the New Testament. Do you trust in the words of Jesus? God tells us all we need to know through the Bible.
Vv. 6-11 God commanded the people of the covenant to depart Horeb and to go into the Promised Land. God wants to increase His people by a thousand-fold and to bless those who obey His words. He faithfully keeps the covenant made with their fathers to make them as numerous as the stars in the sky, and will continue to do so in the future. Now God wants to speak to us and for us to do as He says. If we keep this promise and obey it, we will be blessed beyond our imagination (a thousand-fold).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 2, 3 The time frames “eleven days” and “the fortieth year” make a contrast between the outcomes of obedience and disobedience. Obedience is a life that experiences the power and guidance of God, but disobedience is a life that experiences God’s punishment in the desert. To keep and live the words of Christ is to experience the power and guidance of God, but to go far from the words of Christ is to experience His punishment. Do I keep and live the words of Christ in my life?


Please rule my heart so that I will reveal the teachings of Christ in all my words and deeds.

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