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When We Face Trouble

신명기 1:19-1:33 본문보기


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When We Face Trouble
At first, Israel followed God’s guidance according to His words. But when they were confronted with a difficult reality, the people forgot God’s power and promise and fell into the mire of unbelief and disobedience with complaints to Him.

Who is God like?
Vv. 20, 21 God had given the Israelites the Promised Land and commanded them to go up and take possession of it. The expression ‘The Lord had given’ emphasizes the victory in taking over the land (Jos 8:1; 10:8). This land could not be possessed by the power of man as it was granted by God’s grace. Only obedience was and is required.
Vv. 30-33 God is going before the Israelites in the same way He had done all things before their eyes. In the desert, God carried and guided the Israelites along the desert ‘as a father carries his son.’ God also guides us through the desert of life ‘as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings’ (Lk 13:34). He showed the Israelites the way they should go by fire at night and by cloud in the day (v. 33). He will point out the way we should go through the Word and the Holy Spirit. Do you trust in this God in every kind of trouble?

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 22-25 The Israelites sent spies to the land of Canaan. They spied out the land and made the positive report that ‘the land is good.’ This seems a reasonable and serious endeavor before the actual battle, but it showed the weak will and unbelief of the people rather than their good intentions. Do you worry too much and become too frustrated to believe in the promised words of God and move forward?


Please help me to obey the Word boldly in difficult situations and to rely on the Holy Spirit.

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