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In God’s Wrath

신명기 1:34-1:46 본문보기


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In God’s Wrath
Today’s passage shows the wrath of righteous God toward the unbelief of the covenant people and the result of a battle without God.

Who is God like?
Vv. 34-40 When God saw the unbelieving hearts of the Israelites (v. 32) and heard their complaints, He was angry. God is the Mighty One who can hear what they grumble in their tents (v. 27). God proclaims that He will not give the Promised Land to the disobedient generation (first generation), but to the obedient generation (the next generation of the covenant people). This decision reveals that God requires the price of sin and is also the Righteous One who provides grace to the obedient. Do not test God’s righteousness with a disobedient heart and complaining words; God knows your heart.
V. 39 God promised to give the children of the exodus generation the land He had sworn to the fathers. He is faithful to keep His promise, even though Israel betrayed Him (Nu 23:19; 1Sa 15:29).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 41-46 In spite of God’s proclaimed punishment the Israelites rashly prepared for war and went to battle by themselves. The people did not accept God’s punishment that they would wander the desert for 40 years, but responded in a human way (Nu 14:40). The result of the battle without God (v. 42), however, was obvious (v. 44). The Israelites cried out before God, but God did not listen to them. For believers, the victory of the battle belongs to those who obey and rely on the Word of God who is with them.


Please let me live faithfully according to Your Word and confess my love to You.

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