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New Start

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New Start
The Israelites complete their 40 years in the desert and begin the journey to the Promised Land along with God’s guidance.

Who is God like?
Vv. 1-3 God begins to guide His people to the Promised Land as the time approaches. Life in the desert is not our final destination. God will guide us to the new heaven and the new earth in His time. Let’s put our hope in, rely on, and obey the Word of our faithful God.
Vv. 6, 7 For 40 years, the Israelites did not lack anything in the desert. As they passed the territory of Edom, they had enough money to buy food and water and were never in need (8:4) because God was with them and cared for them (8:2-6; 29:5). During their trouble and hardship in the desert, God was with them and protected them. Do you trust in God, who is with you in your life and provides your daily needs?
Vv. 14, 15 As God promised, within 38 years, everyone in the first generation above 20 years of age died in the desert. The explanation of ‘The Lord’s hand was against them” means their deaths were not natural deaths. They were destroyed by God’s punishment in the desert. God punishes as He vows.
Vv. 24, 25 God controls and rules over all nations. Through Israel, He placed terror and fear in every nation that encountered them. But He gives grace and peace to those who humbly obey Him. Now, through Christ, He provides both blessings and curses to all nations. Those who humbly obey Christ will receive grace, peace, and the kingdom of God. But the proud and disobedient will receive terror, fear, and an everlasting curse.


Please let me experience Your daily protection and guidance in the desert of my life.

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