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They Conquered the East of Jordan

신명기 2:26-2:37 본문보기


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They Conquered the East of Jordan
The battle to conquer, which was delayed for 40 years because of unbelief and disobedience, began again with trust and obedience and the joy of victory with the power of God.

Who is God like?
Vv. 31-35 God defeated Sihon and his people who would fight against Israel. The Israelites won this battle because God delivered the land over to them. What does God deliver over to us today? Even though God promised He would deliver to you, do you still doubt and hesitate? Look at His promise, obey the Word, and conquer.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 26-30 Moses made a peaceful proposal to the king of Heshbon. The king, however, refused it and wanted the battle. He chose destruction. Remember there are people who intentionally go against believers on the way to the heavenly kingdom.
V. 36 After the people of Israel conquered the nation, they confessed that no nation was too strong for them. As they relied on God and conquered the land, they made a wonderful confession that they did not fear any high wall (1:28). What is the high wall laid before you? The time will come for those who obey the Word to rejoice saying, ‘I do not fear that wall.’ Do not look at the obstacle before you, but first trust the Word of God.


Please let me rely on Your Word and power when I meet those who are intentionally against me.

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