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The Land of Bashan was Conquered

신명기 3:1-3:11 본문보기


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The Land of Bashan was Conquered
Israel conquered the territory of Bashan, the northern side of Gilead, that was rich. It was ready to possess the Promised Land.

Who is God like?
Vv. 1-4 God promises to give the land of Bashan to Israel and commands the people to attack Bashan as aggressively as they did Heshbon. Finally, when Israel boldly obeyed the commandment of God, it could win the battle. In our spiritual warfare, when we obey the Word of God and go forward boldly, God will give us the victory as He promised.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 5, 11 The walls of all the cities that Israel conquered were high and their gates and bars were strong. This emphasis is reminiscent of the words of Israel (1:28) when they did not trust in God. Also, the huge bed made of iron for Og, king of Bashan, is a reminder of Israel being afraid of the mighty Anakites. But the Israelites conquered all the cities with God. Do you limit the power of God with your narrow way of thinking or unbelief?
Vv. 6-10 God let Israel conquer the land of Canaan and expel the Canaanites. This shows that the sin of the land had reached its full measure and was unbearable (Ge 15:16). Therefore, Israel has a responsibility to conquer Canaan and destroy sin completely to renew the land of God. What is the sin we have to conquer and remove today? If we do not completely remove the sinful nature, it can cause a lot of pain and destruction in us, our family, and our church (Ro 2:5). Cut off sin with the bold decision to pluck out the eye or to cut off the hand that is causing us to sin, as the Lord said (Mt 18:8-9).


Please let me win the spiritual warfare and cut off the sinful root in my daily life.

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