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Before the Conquest of Canaan

신명기 3:12-3:29 본문보기


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Before the Conquest of Canaan
Moses made a promise with the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh who were given the land to fight with their brothers until they could conquer the whole land and Moses could hand over the next mission to Joshua.

Who is God like?
Vv. 21, 22, 28 God told Moses to let Joshua lead the Israelites to their inheritance of the Promised Land. Moses was a faithful servant to God and a committed and great leader for the people. But instead of handing everything to Moses, God told him to hand over the next mission to Joshua. Did you want every matter to be fulfilled within your generation? Let’s seek God’s will first.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 18-20 Moses encourages the tribes who posses the eastern territory of the Jordan to fight together ahead of their brother Israelites. He urges them not to rest even though they have received their inheritance, but to fight together until their brothers also receive their inheritance. Do we have any weak brother or sister we should help in our community? When we are committed to help the weak, we can have true rest in our community.
Vv. 23-27 Moses prayed earnestly to God, asking to cross over the Jordan River and enter the land of Canaan. God, however, rejected his plea. Even though he was the hero of the Exodus and led Israel for 40 years in the desert, God told him “That is enough” (v. 26) and refused his serious desire. Moses had to be satisfied seeing the Promised Land from the top of Pisgah. Even though your desire may be right or reasonable, you have to give it up if it is not God’s will. That is the attitude of a believer who accepts God completely.


Please let me obey Your will completely as a believer and trust in You.

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