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Observe the Decrees and Laws

신명기 4:1-4:14 본문보기


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Observe the Decrees and Laws
Before they enter the land of Canaan, Moses urges the covenant people to remember their disobedience at Baal Peorm and the two stone tablets at Horeb, and to keep the commandment of God.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 4, 5 At the account at Baal Peor, all who followed Baal were destroyed but all who held fast to the Lord were alive. The words ‘held fast’ mean the most intimate behavior of (Ge 2:24). Where do you belong in this world? Do you have a more intimate relationship with the modern Baal? Anyone who holds fast to the Lord our God should fully keep the decrees and laws of the Lord and take action.
Vv. 6-14 To keep the commandment of God well and to obey is to present your wisdom and understanding to the nations. Do you prefer to rely on worldly wisdom and understanding more than the beginning of knowledge, the fear of the Lord (Job 28:28; Pr 1:7)? Anyone who knows that the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength (1Co 1:25) will live God’s way. We live this way according to the Word to bring others to God. When people see that we obey the Word, they may admire saying ‘What a wise and knowledgeable people!’ Israel lived for 40 years in the desert after the Exodus out of Egypt and did not have any well-known natural resources, money, or well-trained military force. The people only had a beautiful and close relationship to God granted from the adherence to His decrees and laws. We also have nothing to be proud of in the eyes of the world. But when we live loving God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind and loving our neighbor as ourselves, this is our pride, and others in this world envy it.


Please let me take my observance of Your decrees and laws, rather than the wisdom and understanding of the world, as my pride.

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