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Warning and Promise

신명기 4:15-4:31 본문보기


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Warning and Promise
Before the Israelites enter the Promised Land, Moses reminds them that the Lord God was at Horeb and confirms again the warning and promise regarding idol worship.

Who is God like?
Vv. 15-24 When God spoke to Israel at Horeb out of the fire, He presented Himself in no form but a voice (v. 12). This was so Israel would not be enticed to commit idol worship. The idol worship of forms is destroyed by ‘a consuming fire,’ a jealous God. God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth (Jn 4:24). Unlike idols, God was presented only by His voice at Horeb. Today He reveals Himself through the Word. Do you listen to His voice through the daily Word?
Vv. 25-28 If Israel enters the Promised Land and becomes disobedient to God, doing evil in the eyes of the Lord, then He will scatter them into all the nations and leave them to worship idols made by man’s hands. When God’s people worship another god, it is a punishment of God (Jer 16:13). If we refuse to worship God faithfully, God leaves us in a situation without worship and to sin with sinners (Ro 1:24).
Vv. 29-31 God promises the Israelites that they will find Him if they seek Him with all their heart and soul in the Promised Land. Because God is gracious, He will not forsake nor destroy those who seek Him and listen to His Word. Do you seek this God?


Please let me seek You with my whole heart and soul everyday.

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