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There is No Other God

신명기 4:32-4:43 본문보기


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There is No Other God
Moses encourages the Israelites that the way to live in the Promised Land for a long time is to serve God alone and to know there is no other God.

Who is God like?
Vv. 37, 38 Because God loved the forefathers of Israel and chose their descendants after them, He brought them out of Egypt by His Presence and His great strength. The reason God chose Israel starts from love alone. ‘God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us’ (Ro 5:8). Praise the Lord who chose and saved you only in love and leads you to eternal life.
Vv. 39, 40 The Lord alone is the true God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other God in the universe. Therefore, we have to keep and obey the decrees and commandments of God. By doing so, God will bless us and our descendants to go well and to live long in the Promised Land.
Vv. 41-43 God allowed anyone who had intentionally killed a person to flee to the city of refuge to save his life. This system of cities of refuge is the system of salvation that came from God’s grace and mercy beyond the rule of ‘reward according to deed.’ We are saved through the grace and mercy of God. Our gracious God has saved us and become our everlasting refuge Himself (2Sa 22:3; Ps 9:9; 46:1, 7; 57:1; 62:7-8; 91:9; Jer 16:19). Moreover, Jesus Christ is the true refuge to all people who should die for their sins and transgressions. As anyone who had killed a person could save his life when he fled to a city of refuge, anyone can be granted everlasting life when he flees to Jesus Christ. Why don’t you pass on this good news of such a precious city of refuge to those who are dying of their own sins?


Let me pass on the truth that You alone are the true God and the eternal refuge in heaven above and on the earth below.

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