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Moses’ Second Sermon Starts

신명기 4:44-5:10 본문보기


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Moses’ Second Sermon Starts
In 1:1-4:43 Moses remembered the journey in the desert and encouraged the Israelites. Now he begins the sermon on the laws he received on Mount Sinai.

Who is God like?
Vv. 4, 5 God spoke out of the fire at Horeb when He made a covenant with Israel and appointed Moses as the mediator to pass on the words of God to Israel. The fire represents the characteristic to consume sin (Heb 12:29) and symbolizes God’s absolute holiness (4:11). Israel could not directly face the Holy God and communicated through Moses the mediator. Let’s thank God, for we have access to Him through our Mediator, Jesus Christ (Ti 2:5; Heb 9:15).
V. 6 God gave the law of God after delivering His people out of Egypt. He did not tell them to ‘Keep my law’ while they were still in Egypt. He also did not propose the observance of the law as a condition of deliverance. First, He saved them out of the land of slavery and gave the Ten Commandments. He proposed the Ten Commandments not as the condition of deliverance, but as the result of salvation. Like this, Jesus Christ finished the salvation we were granted. Jesus died for us on the cross and saved us as His gift! Praise His love again (Eph 2:1-10)!
Vv. 9, 10 God punishes the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Him. But He shows love to a thousandth generation of those who love Him and keep His commandments. There is greater emphasis on the contrast between the third generation to the thousandth generation rather than the implication of a curse upon the descendants. God’s love is everlasting, but His wrath is for a short time. He loves to bless more than to curse. But the sins of the fathers influence the descendants to take after them. Therefore, we have to repent of our sins so that we do not have a negative influence on our descendants and go forward to our gracious God everyday.


Please let me do my best to hear and learn the Word and to carefully keep and act upon it.

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