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The Ten Commandments

신명기 5:11-5:21 본문보기


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The Ten Commandments
God gives the Ten Commandments, which were given to the first generation out of Egypt (Ex 20:2-17), to the second generation out of Egypt again. This proves that they are also the covenant community of God (Dt 5:3).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 7-11 Examine how pure your love is toward God. Is He always centered in the midst of your life? Do you have any behaviors that anger your husband God because you are making another god and worshiping it? Do you heed your speech and behavior and live a life that is worthy of His name?
Vv. 12-15 Unlike Exodus 20:11, God says to observe the Sabbath because the Israelites were saved out of the land of slavery in Egypt. The Sabbath is not simply a day to rest, but the day of salvation, the new creation. Do you keep the Sabbath as the day of salvation (the new creation)?
Vv. 16-21 These commandments regard the love of neighbors. The commandment to love our neighbor is connected (Mt 22:37-39) to the commandment to love of God (vv. 7-15), because the love for our neighbor is the natural fruit of those who love and rely on God. True love for our neighbor is impossible for those who love and rely on other things more than God. Because God’s people love Him, with that love they honor their parents and respect all life that belongs to Him. They also keep their marriage pure with God’s holiness. Moreover, they consider the property of God’s community to be precious. They are trusting and not greedy. How is your love toward God represented by your love toward your neighbor?


Please help me to rely on You, the God of salvation, and to love You; also to bear abundant fruit toward my neighbor out of that love.

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