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Mediator Moses

신명기 5:22-5:33 본문보기


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Mediator Moses
Leaders and elders of each tribe of Israel come to Moses and ask him to be a mediator between them and God.

Who is God like?
V. 22 God Himself wrote all of the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets and gave them to Israel through Moses. He added nothing, but wrote only the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets because the Ten Commandments summarize the basic principles of the law. Additional laws were also given to Israel, but the origin of the Word is God alone. Today, do you believe that the word of scripture was inspired by God and that God speaks directly to you through the Word? Moreover, do you obey it?
Vv. 29, 33 God wants everything to go well with the Israelites and their children forever. This is the heart of God who gave the laws. Therefore, if we listen to the words given by God and walk in His path, we will prosper in many ways and prolong our days. God requires us to keep His Word to give us the everlasting blessing.
Vv. 30, 31 God made Moses a mediator between Him and the Israelites who were afraid of Him. In this way, God made Christ the mediator of the better covenant for His people in the New Testament (Heb 8:6; 9:15). He is only the mediator who asks for us on the right side of God (1Ti 2:5). Now we can access God directly through Christ.


Please let me follow Christ in my daily life and exalt the name of God and rejoice in Him.

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