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Hear (Shema), O Israel!

신명기 6:1-6:9 본문보기


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Hear (Shema), O Israel!
Moses encourages the generation entering Canaan and their descendants to serve God alone and to obey Him to receive the blessing that was promised to their fathers.

Who is God like?
Vv. 1-3 God teaches the commands, decrees, and laws for them to keep in the Promised Land through Moses. When they enter the land God gives them and listen to what God commands and take action, they will have the blessing of ‘prosperity’ God promised their forefathers (Ge 15:5; 22:17). Do you obey and live His word at home, work, school and church? If so, you will be greatly blessed and prosperous from there.
Vv. 4, 5 Our Lord is the only One. God is our God and distinguished from gentile gods. This emphasizes the absolute oneness of God. For Israel, God is the object of faith and obedience. Do you confess God is ‘my God’ (Jn 20:28), serve and love Him alone?

What lesson is God teaching me?
V. 7 We have to earnestly teach our children the Word we have in our hearts. This means to repeatedly engrave the Word in their minds and lives. Christian parents should teach the Word to their children anywhere and anytime. Today it is difficult to teach the Word to our children. If parents do not make a sincere effort and set aside time for this purpose, children might forever lose the blessed and secured way they should go in the Word.


Please let me earnestly learn, obey, and teach the Word of God so that it will rule over all areas of my life.

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