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When You Live in the Promised Land

신명기 6:10-6:25 본문보기


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When You Live in the Promised Land
The Israelites’ abundant prosperity in the Promised Land is not a result of their effort, but the result of God’s promise given to their forefathers.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 12, 13 While God’s people who were saved by His grace live in the land, they should not forget the God of salvation because of their abundance but serve Him more actively. As the Israelites should not forget God in the abundance of Canaan, we should not forget the grace of salvation through Christ. The Lord established Comm and asked us to remember Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross until He returns (1Co 11:26). Do you forget the grace of God because you have no need in your life? Remember how you were saved.
Vv. 14, 15 In their rich life in Canaan, Israel was in danger of following the gods of Canaan. Moses therefore seriously warns them not to betray a jealous God. Today in this generation, how many good things do you have? People in this world are chasing and running after these things, but God’s people do not belong to the world and will receive the inheritance of the glory of the new heaven and the new earth with a glorious body. Today what is the true value you have to hold on to?
Vv. 16-19 Moses reminds Israel that they tested God in the past (Ex 17:1-7) and warns them not to do it again. To test is to doubt and to blame God when they face trouble in their lives. When you have difficulties or troubles in life, do you completely rely on God and act to please Him?


Let me have the abundant fruits of life You have provided and not forget Your but love You more than before.

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