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Teachings for the Next Generation

신명기 7:1-7:11 본문보기


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Teachings for the Next Generation
Today’s passage gives reasons why the Israelites should keep the word, decree, and law of God, and describes the results to be gained when they obey this command.

Who is God like?
Vv. 6-11 God specially chose the Israelites and made them His own holy people. The amazing part is the reason He chose them. He chose them because they were the fewest of all peoples and because He loved them and kept the oath He swore to their forefathers. These amazing reasons are also applied to us today. God chose us and revealed to us that He is great, mighty, and abundant (1Co 1:26, 27), not because we are worthy, but because we are the fewest, least, weakest, and most needy. Do you give glory to God by living a life worthy of the calling as God’s holy people and inheritance?

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 1-5 God’s amazing love toward Israel is reversely represented as fierce wrath toward those against Him. When the Israelites conquered Canaan, God told them to completely and mercilessly destroy the land. God wants to judge the overflowing sin of Canaan and prevent Israel from being assimilated with its idols. As Christians in this world, we have to denounce and destroy those who take us away from our faith in God. What are the worldly factors that you do not destroy and now influence you? How do you obey the Word to destroy them?


Please let me live faithfully according to the Word everyday and as a person set apart under the reign of the Holy Spirit.

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