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영어 QT

Reward for The Obedient

신명기 7:12-7:26 본문보기


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Reward for The Obedient
In the Old Testament, the reward for those who keep the commandments of God is described as material wealth, prosperity of descendants, and safety in all situations.

Who is God like?
Overall God gives love and blessings to those who keep His commandments. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Mt 6:33). Even today, God adds all things needed in this world as gifts to those who keep the Lord’s commands and live by the Word.
Vv. 12-14 God gives material blessings to anyone who obeys His Word. The blessings for God’s children are much greater than for the people in the world. Are you troubled today with no material wealth? Obey all that the Heavenly Father, the Master of the Earth, the Ruler of All in the world says. Obedience is power.
V. 15 God protects anyone who keeps the Word from all diseases. He controls all diseases and viruses invisible to our eyes. Let’s ask for His special protecting grace to keep those who love Him from all wickedness.
Vv. 17-26 For those who boey the Word, God draws all their enemies out of the Promised Land. He fights for Israel. If we are happy keeping His Word, God is on our side. And if He is on our side, nothing can hurt us (Ps 118:6, 7).


I want to long for Your blessings and to obey Your Word alone.

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